Christina Felts ((Chrissy))
3 min readMar 1, 2021


Feelings. Pt.1

I keep finding myself feeling bad about the emotions that I’m feeling. Feeling bad about feeling bad, where the heck does that come from? Hell perhaps? Over and over again telling myself to correct myself and remember all the good things in my life. There are many good things, so many good things in fact. But they don’t take away the not so great feelings. The bad feelings don’t last forever, I know that.

Today a friend told me about a teaching by Rick Renner (if you’ve never heard of him you should definitely look him up) where he teaches about the word “patience” in James 1, and how that word doesn’t actually mean what we all think it means. He explains how in the Greek “patience” actually means “to endure”. God calls us to endure and to keep on enduring.

“My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.” James 1:1–4 NKJV

“My fellow believers, when it seems as though you are facing nothing but difficulties see it as an invaluable opportunity to experience the greatest joy that you can! For you know that when your faith is tested it stirs up power within you to endure all things. And then as your endurance grows even stronger it will release perfection into every part of your being until there is nothing missing and nothing lacking.” James 1:1–4 TPT

My friend probably didn’t realize how powerful her telling me that was, or maybe she did. But either way, it confirmed a dream that I had the night before and a word I had received from God earlier that morning.

In the dream I was in a world where everyone was aware of the spirit realm, and they were also aware that these spirits would come and take them over. They just accepted that as something that happened and there really wasn’t much to do about it. William and I, on the other hand, figured out that when we spoke the name of Jesus that the spirits couldn’t take over — though they would still try. There was still fear, but then I would remember the name of Jesus and everything was okay. At the end of the dream I was on a walk with Mama Felts (my mother in law) and Will ran past us. She asked what he was up to, and I just said he’d be on a run for a little bit — as he does. (The run signifying our time apart).

I endure with Jesus. I am to endure and keep on enduring. Even though at times there are real feelings felt and hurt.

God shared with me Romans 8:1 this morning where it says,

“There is therefore no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus”.

And though I read on He held me there. He held me there in His presence, and He made it clear that there is NO condemnation in Him.

There is no condemnation for the feelings I’m feeling and He laid on me that He is with me in every moment and in every feeling. That I’m not ever enduring alone. Even in the times at night where I’m sitting there before bed feeling the most alone, He is there. Even in the moments where I hate how I am feeling, He is there telling me that there is no guilt in Him.

Thank You.

