
Christina Felts ((Chrissy))
2 min readFeb 7, 2018

This weekend us Fearless Residents went on a winter retreat called, Snowbound, at an awesome Christian camp — Son-Life Camp. At first I think I was really distracted by the message I had to present and then even more distracted by reflecting on how the presentation went. It wasn’t until I got home and had the song, “Heartbeat” by Mosaic MSC stuck in my head that I started to reflect on the freedom of joy Jesus brought me during this weekend. From dancing fits, laughs, games, nerf wars, conversations and chilling with kids — in those moments I felt like a shaken up 2 liter finally having my cap taken off, but instead of carbonated fizz I exploded with pure joy from Jesus. There was no thinking about it. I couldn’t deny it and I couldn’t hold it in.

God taught me a lot this weekend; big one being focused around a fruit of the spirit which I’ve already mentioned — joy.

We need to remember that we as believers have Jesus with us now- RIGHT NOW we have the Light of the world right here within us and it will NEVER leave us. NEVER. We might forget about it being there, but it’s those moments that our joy-fizz is just bubbling up — waiting to overflow. It’s during those times that our light might grow dim, but it’s when our lights our dim that God tells us to fan them. That light will never go out, but it is our job to fan it — to not forget about it, to worship Him, to draw near to Him.

“Draw near to Him and He will draw near to you.” — James 4:8

Don’t forget your light, let it shine bright! I know that’s easier said than done sometimes, with all the distractions of this world. Constant fear, anxiety, pain, worry, bad thoughts — all of this is deceit, straight from the stupid devil himself; just trying to trick you into making it a reality in your life. Tell him to shut up! Whenever pain comes, whenever a bad thought comes, whenever a fear comes- whenever any sort of suffering comes; tell the devil to shut up, tell him where to go ((FAR FAR AWAY)) and thank Jesus for overcoming the world for us and for giving us His ever shining, eternal, healing light.

“God made him who had no sin to be sin for us so that we might become the righteousness of God.” — 2 Corinthians 5:21

As much as this weekend was for the kids I feel like it was just as much for me. Your love for me is so overwhelming, God. Forgive me when I lose sight of that.

Much love & many blessings.

